Extreme Elements 2

You can read part 1 here https://theproblematicmy2cents.wordpress.com/2021/11/09/extreme-elements/

Subpoenas show Jan. 6 panel’s focus on Trump’s plans

“The special committee on Monday and Tuesday issued 16 new subpoenas for ex-administration officials, top Trump campaign aides and law professor John Eastman, who crafted the now-infamous memo laying out how, in six steps, then-Vice President Mike Pence could take unilateral actions to overturn the election and declare Trump the victor.”


The above link has the memo.

I’d say that makes it a coup if Trump was smart; he would have known better.

““The riots surrounded an insurrection and the insurrection surrounded a coup, and we are going to investigate every level of activity,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a Jan. 6 panel member, told The Hill in a telephone interview on Tuesday in which he explained the latest subpoenas.” (qtd)

I would go as far and say the riot threw a monkey wrench into the works. In a way, I’d say stop the steal prevented Trump from being unconstitutionally re-elected. Ironic, wouldn’t you say?

““We’re analyzing not just where the violence came from but where the strategy for overthrowing the presidential election came from,” added Raskin, who led Democrats’ impeachment prosecution of Trump after the attack.” (qtd)

““The Eastman memo really serves as a locus for all of this. What was this plan? Who was involved in it? What were they thinking? What were they discussing? What was the strategy? And so that involves talking to Eastman and talking to all these people who were there at the Willard Hotel command center,” Barbara McQuade, who served as a U.S. attorney during the Obama administration, told The Hill.” (qtd)

“But with the Jan. 6 spotlight shifting to big names in the Trump orbit, the nine-member committee is sending an unmistakable message that it intends to do what the Democratic impeachment team could not: write a sweeping report for historians and future generations of Americans detailing the role that Trump and his inner circle played in trying to undermine a free and fair presidential election to remain in power, including by fomenting a violent assault on Congress and Trump’s own vice president.”

Except, Pence was vital in the “certification” of falsely determination of Trump’s re-election. Why would the riote or otherwise “insurrection” target such a pivotal figure in Trump’s re-election under stealing the election?

“Panel Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and Vice Chair Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) have laid blame for the events of Jan. 6 at the feet of Trump. Cheney has stated that Trump instructing allies to defy subpoenas shows that the 45th president was “personally involved in the planning and execution of Jan. 6.”” (qtd)

I would subpoena Pence before Trump because the memo lays bare that Pence was instrumental in the memo’s blue print.

“One group the Jan. 6 panel has yet to target is Trump-aligned GOP lawmakers in the Freedom Caucus who either spoke at Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally on the Ellipse like Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) or made public comments calling that day “our 1776 moment!” like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).”

And, here we’re back to part 1.

GOP centrists come under increased attacks from own party

“The attacks come from fellow House Republicans, including Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.) and Madison Cawthorn (N.C.), who denounced them as “traitors” who “voted to help Biden screw America.” Both vowed to back primary challengers.

Greene tweeted out the office phone numbers of the 13 Republicans, whom she blasted for having “handed over their voting cards to Nancy Pelosi to pass Joe Biden’s Communist takeover of America via so-called infrastructure.””

“That led to a flood of angry and at times threatening phone calls for the office of Rep. Fred Upton (Mich.), one of the 13 Republicans who voted for the infrastructure bill.

A spokesman for Upton confirmed to The Hill that his office had received more than 1,000 calls since Greene tweeted out the phone number, with more than 90 percent estimated to be from people outside of the district.”

The article then goes on to discuss the messages as highlighted in part 1

““”I hope everybody in your f—ing family dies,” the caller reportedly added, saying the Republican lawmaker was a “f—ing piece of shit traitor.”””

Additional quotes as I’m quoting the relevant message.

“McCarthy is also taking heat for a photo-manipulated anime video posted by far-right Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), an ally of Greene’s, which depicted Gosar killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and swinging swords at Biden. McCarthy at press time had also not commented on the Gosar video.”


Purity tests: Several conservative lawmakers are demanding 13 colleagues who joined Democrats in voting for the infrastructure bill lose their committee assignments (Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene called them traitors). They’re angry that the vote handed Biden a victory when he badly needed one, but the rhetoric has led to real death threats.”

So, lets look at people losing everything for a moment:
-Labor shortage being amplified by the vax mandate (I’m vaxxed but no way am I getting a booster I freaking hate needles).

-Supply Chain Crisis leading to artificial scarcity that increases prices.


Speaking of inflation https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/580910-manchin-lawmakers-can-no-longer-ignore-inflation

“Manchin, in a tweet, said that the “the threat” from inflation isn’t temporary “and is instead getting worse.

“From the grocery store to the gas pump, Americans know the inflation tax is real and DC can no longer ignore the economic pain Americans feel every day,” Manchin added.” (qtd)

People can’t ignore what they see going to the store and pump; it’s simply a fact of life that the majority of people actually does their own shaping even if you have your groceries delivered subs are common.

“Both the White House and top congressional Democrats have predicted that the Build Back Better spending legislation will help ease inflation, in a move to try to assuage Manchin’s concerns and pushback against GOP talking points.”

Build Back Better text can be found here. I haven’t had a chance to read it fully yet, but generally spending packages negatively impacts inflationary pressures by which I mean makes them worse.


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